NimBusOrder is the easiest way for retailers and grocery store owners to place order from wholesalers or vendors:
* No more calling wholesalers and repeating orders again and again just because they were too busy to note down everything.
* Always aware of status of order, without calling wholesalers and ask.
* Simple, yet effective user interface help improve communications between wholesalers and retailers.
Basic features:
* Select products and quantity, place order in a few touch
* Promotions from wholesalers (or even brands) are automatically applied
* Edit submitted orders, if not processed by wholesalers yet
* Real-time notifications on order's status: processed, price changed, delivery...
* Review order history, place the same order again
* This a a beta version, only retailers on Nimbus platform are eligible for this app
* Wholesalers must use Nimbus eServices Store Management solution
* To register for this app, or check to see if there is Nimbus Wholesalers in your area, please contact us at